Natural, ethical and joyful sweaters
to spread good vibes!
My responsible sweater

My responsible sweater
I love beauty, mohair, color and I'm on a quest for the responsible sweater. This quest has guided me to the finest Italian RMS mohair yarns, taken me near Venice to Marzia's family factory, and brought me closer to Raphaëlle, who knits like no one else...
And on this quest, one thing is very close to my heart: creating a sweater that you'll love and keep for a long time!

Mohair sweaters
joyful and colorful
They put a smile on your face, linking you to the people you meet in a cloud of good mood.
Made with a smile by Marzia

Made with a smile by Marzia
and her whole "big family" near Venice, my mohair and silk or mohair and wool sweaters are in expert, caring hands. I'd be delighted if you'd take a look at Marzia's factory here.
100% natural yarns
exceptional quality

100% natural yarns
exceptional quality
Mohair and silk or mohair and wool, they don't pilling, they reflect colors beautifully, 100% natural and animal-friendly, these yarns are so pleasant to wear!

I often say that Raphaëlle is the most zen person I know. Maybe it's because she knits a lot ?